2013年9月12日 星期四

What is a Trader's Contribution to Society?

這一期的Van Tharp的newsletter,裡面有讀者問了一個問題,其實也是我存在心裡面很久的問題。


有時候我開車在路上,看到清潔隊員,我會認為他對於社會的貢獻是明顯大於我的。因為他幫忙清運垃圾,Provide service,讓我們有清潔的環境可以生活。 如果我經過建築工地,看到戴著安全帽的建築工人,我也認為他對於社會的貢獻是明顯大於我的。因為他蓋房子,build things,讓像我這種人有房子可以住。他們都是實際提供勞力,製造商品,幫助別人改善生活的人。

As a trader, 我對於社會的貢獻,除了提供流動性和承擔風險之外,實在想不出我比清潔隊員,建築工人對別人的幫助多在哪裡。但是我們彼此,從這個社會裡賺的錢,卻又是天差地遠。所以後來自己慢慢覺悟,當自己能夠從市場上賺錢的時候,除了獨善其身之外,更應該幫助別人改善他們的生活。當自己有能力的時候,就應幫助身邊需要幫助的朋友。這個社會上還有很多弱勢的團體,其實是很缺乏資源的。





Q: I have a question I'd like to ask you and it's in regards to establishing a mission statement for me as a trader.
As a trader, what is the REAL service that I provide? What's my contribution to society at large?
I've been reading a book by Steve Pavlina called Personal Development for Smart People: The Conscious Pursuit of Personal Growth (See Page 177 through 197), and I seem to be having a hard time in clearly seeing the values we add as traders.
I couldn't think of any other qualified expert to ask this question than you.

下面是Van Tharp的回答:
A: Traders serve an extremely valuable function for market based societies because they provide liquidity and distribute risk. Traders "lubricate" the market and thereby help the economy and all of its participants— everybody, in effect. Does that inspire you? Can you take on those functions as a driving force behind your trading? Will those functions serve as your mission?
Rather than asking what service your trading provides, ask yourself, "What is my bliss?". Follow your bliss and you'll find a deeply powerful mission.
I love what author Joseph Campbell says, "When you follow your bliss . . . doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be for anyone else."
My experience is that when you follow your bliss you are in tune with your mission.


1 則留言:

  1. 提供人一個夢想未來,為了它努力工作,逐夢踏實!!


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